Monday, June 17, 2013

They Dont Care About Filtering

(PRWEB) June 01, 2013

If you have watched online videos using any of todays popular subscription providers, here is a scenario you might find all too familiar. Youve finally carved out some quality time to relax and watch a movie with your child. Unsure of exactly what you want to watch this time around, you skip the title search and instead browse categories of interest. Suddenly, however, your thumb scrambles to find a get me out of here button as suggestive or offensive movie covers litter your screen. The lights go on, and the popcorn cools, as you break the mood to spend the next five minutes finding what you really want to watch, hopefully avoiding the undesirable images that have already invaded your moment.

This awkwardness is standard practice for many of us, since most video content providers do very little to filter content, as if children are an after-thought, not important enough to protect from raw imagery and footage. And even finding an acceptable movie is no guarantee that the commercials and ads will be child-suitable. All the big players, from Hulu to NetFlix, to Spotify, offer little help for genuinely concerned parents.

To their defense, it is not easy to measure what each movie contains, especially since even the movie rating systems are inconsistent and contradictory, categorizing some harmless movies as PG-13, and some more offensive material as PG. As much as video streaming services might try to place movies into categories, the categories that exist just arent good enough. Coarse language might affect one child more deeply than another, just as sexual innuendos or images might stick with another. Ratings are a decent first step, but they leave most parents unsure of what to expect. Maybe scenes show just enough skin to get the point across, for a short enough time that the movie will not be rated R. Parents often end up settling for movies they dont approve of, or stop movies early realizing the rating was misleading.

This dilemma is about to change. The days of unfiltered streaming content are about to end, thanks to Mediaxus. This companys new technology promises to return control where it belongs-- in consumers hands. With the most powerful streaming filter in the world, this game-changing video provider allows parents to quickly, easily and conveniently choose which content areas they find objectionable, and to place various limits upon each selected area. Imagine being able to know that, no matter which genres you or your child choose, only those titles within the limits you have pre-approved will appear. If you have more than one child, Mediaxus still has you covered. You can create an account for each child, each having different controls set by you. And yes, if youre lucky enough to kick back for some grown-up movie time, you can have your own account set to your own personal taste.

Mediaxus provides a great way to enjoy your downtime worry-free, where everyone can relax-- you, your children, and last but not least, your thumb.

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