Wednesday, June 19, 2013

NAPW Delaware County, PA Local Chapter Learned How to Make Smart Nutrition Choices and Live Healthier in May

Garden City, NY (PRWEB) June 11, 2013

Members and guests of the NAPW Delaware County, PA Local Chapter gathered on May 14th for a professional networking meeting at the Glenolden Library.

The group of professional women got expert tips from Health and Wellness Coach Ramona Fasula about nutrition, the healing properties of certain foods and how to better navigate the supermarket aisles and fill their carts with healthier groceries.

DeAnne Lonnquist, NAPW Delaware County Chapter President, kicked off the networking event with a warm welcome to all members and guests. She also spoke about her experience as an attendee at the NAPW 2013 National Networking Conference on April 26th in New York City.

She told the group that three members from the Chapter also attended and Katrina Brittingham organized transportation arrangements for both the Delaware County and Philadelphia chapters.

Highlights of the conference included Arianna Huffington and Martha Stewart as speakers. There were 1200 women from across the U.S. who attended this event, said Delaware County Chapter President Lonnquist.

NAPW members were able to make personal and business connections and build relationships through networking, break out topic sessions and down times between activities. It was a great event!

The Chapter President then introduced the evenings guest speaker, Health and Wellness Coach Ramona Fasula.

Ramona Fasulas presentation, Wellness through, nutrition was informative and members and guests enjoyed learning more about proper nutrition and Ramonas holistic approach to wellness, said President Lonnquist.

Ms. Fasula received her education at the Integrative Institute for Nutrition in New York City. She practices a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that she looks at how all areas of your life are connected. This approach does not dwell on calories, carbohydrates or fats and proteins. Instead, it focuses on creating a happy, healthy lifestyle that is rewarding and fun. Ms. Fasula is the author of A Health Coach's Guide to Heart Health.

Ramona started the presentation by reciting the following Hippocrates quote: Let Food be thy Medicine, said Chapter President Lonnquist. She told us food is a very powerful healer, but yet the health properties of food are often ignored.

Ms. Fasula explained the color-coded system and how to shop properly. When a person goes shopping, she told the group of professional women, their cart should look like a box of crayons containing foods that are a variety of colors. One tip is to shop the perimeter of the store, she said. It is healthier, because a person avoids processed items.

The Health and Wellness Coach also spoke about the healing affects that the foods have. Some examples include red fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of folate, which helps heart health. Blue and purple produce, such as berries, plums and eggplants, have many different nutrients including lutein, resveratrol and Vitamin C. Ms. Fasula said they help fight inflammation and help improve the bodys ability to absorb calcium and other nutrients.

After the presentation, members and guests discussed Chapter news. They talked about recruiting new members, community organizations and locations for their upcoming meetings. Members agreed they would like to have more speakers and activities. Topics include building relationships, using the power of social media to promote business, managing change in the workplace, effective negotiations and communicating more successfully. The Chapter President noted that the June meeting will have a special lecture Marketing 101 presented by Pam Scott.

There are 40 plus members in the Delaware County Chapter. This Chapter has grown tremendously over the past year. Pam Scott, the Chapter Secretary and I, are working on amassing a list of additional contact information to reach members, said Delaware County President DeAnne Lonnquist.

A dialogue was had about what charities the Chapter would like to become involved with. Unfortunately, the charity that was chosen last month fell through, announced the President, so another charity will be chosen. Charities talked about included the Ronald McDonald House, local homeless shelters, ASPCA, and donating time to older adults who live in nursing homes. More details were discussed for the event/fundraiser for the Glenolden Library.

This months attendees were: Cynthia Cho, Project Manager and Certified Pharmacy Technician. She can be reached at cynthiacrystalcho(at)gmail(dot)com.

DeAnne Lonnquist, Chapter President and SMG Coordinator for the Philadelphia Chapter, is a Recovery Counselor at CATCH Inc. She is an Art Therapist and Artist. She loves to coupon. Visit her website at or contact her at detig2(at)yahoo(dot)com

The guest lecturer was: Ramona Fasula, Health and Wellness Coach. She can be reached at

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