Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bel Marra Health Reports on a New Study Linking Sweat to Good Health

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) May 25, 2013

Bel Marra Health, who offers high-quality, specially formulated vitamins and nutritional supplements, reports a study revealing the healthy and healing benefits of sweating.

As Bel Marra Health reports in its article, (, sweating is a natural bodily function that occurs during exercise, hot temperatures and from stress. It is understandable that sweating can cause some people discomfort and embarrassment; however, research shows that sweating is linked to good health.

Sweating involves two different glands; the eccrine glands release perspiration to keep our body temperature under control, while the aprocine glands release sweat triggered by stimulation or stress, such as exercise. As body temperature elevates, people sweat in order to bring temperatures back down to normal, healthy levels. It is extremely important that the body is allowed to do this, in order to avoid over-heating, heat exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, or heat stroke.

Moreover, studies show that sweating is also good for the skin. As the glands release sweat and body temperature rises, pores open up and this allows skin to be properly cleansed. This is why many spas will use steam during facials to prepare the skin for deep cleaning.

Humans also contain toxins from a variety of sources, including air pollution and pesticides in farmed foods. Sweating can release some of these toxins to the surface of the skin, which is why older age groups have also become interested in activities such as hot yoga and sauna treatments.

More surprisingly, sweat may also be a natural remedy for contamination. According to researchers at Eberhard-Karls-University at Tubingen in Germany, sweat may contain an antibiotic known as Dermcidin which can help kill off bacteria such as E. coli. The University of Michigan Health System has also found that stem cells, found in human sweat glands, can arise from beneath a wound and quickly assist in healing them.

Without proper hydration, sweating does not occur properly. Fitness experts say the body loses about 10 percent of its daily water through sweat, and even more is lost with exercise. Water is essential to replenishing the body after sweating, but also to stay hydrated and maintain good health. The amount of water each person needs depends on weight and size, but Bel Marra Health Doctors suggest getting at least eight glasses a day for good health and hydration.

Sweating may not always be the most appealing or comfortable, but it can help to improve health. However, it is not good to leave sweat sitting on top of skin; this could cause glands and pores to become clogged. The best defense is to wash the face and body as soon possible after sweating. (SOURCE: University of Michigan Health System, 2012, November 20; Sweat glands play major role in healing human wounds. ScienceDaily.)

Bel Marra Health is the maker of The Red Wine Pill, a high-quality nutritional supplement that delivers the age-defying antioxidant power of up to 50 glasses of red wine, fights against free radical damage, and premature aging. All ingredients are backed with scientific evidence. Every product is tested for safety, quality, and purity at every stage of the manufacturing process. Furthermore, Bel Marra Health products are produced only in Health Canada approved facilities, going the extra mile to ensure that our health-conscious customers are getting top quality products. For more information on Bel Marra Health visit or call 1-866-531-0466.

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