Monday, June 17, 2013

Riverside Facelift Expert Discusses the Importance of Sun Protection

Riverside, CA (PRWEB) June 04, 2013

"Patients who have had a facelift done need to be exceptionally prudent about keeping themselves safe from the sun, especially in the six months immediately following their operations," reminds Dr. Sadati.

During the procedure, Dr. Sadati not only tightens the muscles in the face, but he also tightens the skin in order to eliminate the appearance of wrinkles. This surgical technique restores a person's natural youthful appearance to their face, but it also makes them especially vulnerable to the rays of the sun. Dr. Sadati notes that Riverside patients who do not take extra caution to protect their faces from the sunshine after their operation may suffer the consequences, such as darkened scars that are highly visible, premature formation of wrinkles, and dark spots on their skin.

In the blog post, Dr. Sadati offers patients the following tips to keep themselves protected.

Stay indoors as much as possible, especially in the first six months after the surgery. This is one reason why many patients choose to have a facelift procedure done in the fall or winter months because that is a time of year when they would be staying indoors regardless.

Wear protective clothing and try to stay shaded as much as possible. Patients should make sure to wear hats or head coverings at all times, preferably something with a brim that provides shade for their face. Even if exposure to the sun is minimal, it's important to protect the face from the sun's rays. For instance, a person should wear a baseball cap even if they are just running to the grocery store.

Always wear sunscreen. Dr. Sadati prefers that his facelift patients wear SPF 30 or higher, and recommends that they buy the sunscreen lotion rather than the spray-on sunscreen. Whether it is cloudy outside or a bright sunny day, facelift patients must protect their faces with sunscreen.

Dr. Sadati finds that patients who take these precautions seriously will enjoy their facelift results for many years to come. By staying out of the sun and wearing sunscreen anytime they are outdoors, patients will find that their faces will look young, fresh, and vibrant for up to 10 years after their operation.

"By taking the necessary steps to protect themselves from the sun right after their operation, patients will reap the benefits of having a beautiful, naturally younger appearance for nearly a decade," Dr. Sadati notes.

Patients who are interested in the facelift procedure are welcome to set up a free cosmetic consultation with the surgeon. At this appointment, patients will find out if they are a good candidate for the facelift as well as have a custom surgical plan created for them. In addition, Dr. Sadati will go over specific instructions for post-operative care that address the patient's individual needs. For more information about the importance of sun protection after a facelift surgery, contact Dr. Sadati today.

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