Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hair Transplant Clinic Recommends These Five QuickFix Factors That Are Causing Female Hair Loss

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 15, 2013

Hair loss is considered an experience typically associated with men and male pattern baldness. However, some 35 million women in the US experience genetic hair loss (according to the American Hair Loss Association), not including those women who suffer from hair loss due to non-genetic factors such as pregnancy, hormones and stress. Medical Director Dr. John Kahen M.D. of Beverly Hills Hair Restoration offers these five quick-fix hair loss causes that can be controlled right now. Female hair loss is not as simple of a diagnosis as male hair loss but it is also one of the most important.

Female hair loss can occur due to many factors, making it very important to determine the causes behind the hair loss before exploring possible treatments. The hair transplant clinic in Los Angeles recommends women look to these five potential causes of female hair loss that they can fix right now before the hair loss gets worse:

1. Telogen Effluvium

This is a form of diffuse hair loss shedding where an exceptional amount of hair goes from the growth phase into the resting phase, and sheds a few months after.

How to fix it: Telogen Effluvium can be diagnosed by looking at the family history of the patient, or by a scalp analysis and biopsy. It can be caused by a number of factors including stress, hormone changes and pregnancy. Typically, hair loss from pregnancy is not permanent, and stress-related hair loss lessens when the stress levels are under control.

2. Female Pattern Alopecia

Female Pattern Alopecia is known as a genetic form of hair loss that comes from either the father's or mother's side of the family. Typically, the hair is lost in a diffuse pattern where it occurs over the entire scalp. A less common form of this is in a pattern similar to male pattern baldness.

How to fix it: Female Pattern Alopecia that is in a diffused pattern can be treated with topical treatments and hair loss prevention products, such as products containing minoxidil or more natural hair loss shampoos, conditioners and treatments. If the hair loss is in a pattern similar to the way men lose hair, typically the woman is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery.

3. Traction Alopecia

When a woman wears her hair too tightly on her head, it can sometimes lead to hair loss called traction alopecia. When the hair is constantly being pulled back tightly, it can eventually cause enough breakage to cause the hair to fall out. Other ways this can occur is with such beauty enhancers like hair extensions that can weigh down the hair, causing it to break and thin over time.

How to fix it: If there hasn't been enough significant damage to the hair follicles, typically if the woman stops wearing it too tight or removes the hair extensions, the hair loss should reverse. This depends on how long the hair has been pulled or the hair extensions have been used.

4. Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies such as being low in iron or certain vitamins can sometimes lead to hair loss. A person who is low in folic acid, Vitamin B (such as biotin) or iron can experience hair loss, as well as other dietary factors such as a protein deficiency.

How to fix it: Hair loss from nutritional deficiencies varies from person to person and it's recommended to check vitamin levels and look at the person's diet to determine if they are lacking certain nutrients that are responsible for the hair loss. Once these deficiencies are taken care of, the symptoms should subside.

5. Stress

Stress does have physical implications on the body if not controlled. Normally, every day stress typically will not cause the hair to fall out. However, the type of stress that causes abnormal sleep pattern or a loss or change of appetite can increase certain stress hormones that cause hair loss.

How to fix it: If the stress can be controlled, the hair loss should subside. Once the hair loss sufferer is able to get their stress levels under control so it does not affect their physical health, this is the first step in stopping the hair loss in its tracks before it becomes worse.

About Beverly Hills Hair Restoration

Beverly Hills Hair Restoration is a clinic dedicated to both hair transplant surgery and hair loss prevention worldwide. BHHR is one of the leading hair restoration clinics to offer minimally invasive surgical hair loss solutions that yield natural results for their patients.

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