Monday, June 17, 2013

Frequency of Ectopic Pregnancy Misdiagnosis an On-going Issue Asons Solicitors Comment.

Bolton, UK (PRWEB UK) 9 May 2013

A recent news report from the BBC "Peterborough Hospital Accused of Diagnosis Faliure" (Dated - 23/04/2013) highlights that ectopic pregnancy misdiagnosis is still considered to be an on-going issue. Occurring in around one in ninety pregnancies (1), suspected ectopic pregnancies are a serious cause for concern, requiring immediate medical attention.

According to NHS Choices, an ectopic pregnancy can simply be described as an Out-of-Place Pregnancy.' Rather than developing normally within the womb a fertilised egg implants elsewhere, commonly within the fallopian tubes. Under these circumstances, the egg will not develop into a baby as normal, with potentially devastating physical and psychological effects to the mother.

As made clear by NHS Choices, in all cases the continuation of an ectopic pregnancy would be catastrophic. If left to develop the fertilised egg would continue to grow, causing the fallopian tube to rupture, splitting open and causing potentially fatal internal bleeding (1).

According to the BBC, doctors failed to diagnose the ectopic pregnancy of Mrs Soper, sending her home, only to have her return the following day for emergency surgery (2).

As reported by the BBC, Mrs Sopers emergency surgery led to her contracting the flesh eating infection necrotising fasciitis, a rare infection of the deeper layers of the skin, that causes the destruction of skin and muscles by releasing toxins. (3) If left untreated, necrotizing fasciitis can be fatal. As reported by the BBC, had her ectopic pregnancy been diagnosed correctly, Mrs Soper could have been treated using less invasive methods, avoiding the undesirable complications she developed (2).

Asons executive Laura Williams, commented of the report

Ectopic Pregnancies are frequently misdiagnosed. A delay to diagnosis can be far reaching. The effects of an ectopic rupture are not just limited to health, but damage to a fallopian tube can be to the detriment of fertility.

Making a mis-diagnosed ectopic pregnancy claim with a legal professional helps to raise awareness, hopefully preventing it from happening to someone else.

The important thing to bear in mind is that if you suspect you may be suffering from an ectopic pregnancy, you should seek urgent medical treatment.

If you have been affected by a delay in diagnosis or treatment for an ectopic pregnancy you should speak to an experienced medical negligence solicitor. They can provide expert advice whilst building a compelling ectopic pregnancy claim case, to achieve the damages you deserve for your sub-standard care.

For further details contact Asons Solicitors today, they can be reached on: 0844 850 1062 or you can fill out their claim form at



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