Monday, June 17, 2013

According to Dana R. Hando, Nails Help to Illustrate Total Body Health

Houston, Texas (PRWEB) May 20, 2013

Dana R. Hando knows that nails are an important part of the body. After her years of experience in a salon, she has seen nails of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Now Dana is speaking out on a new article that explains how this small body part can actually serve as a clue to the health of the rest of the body. A piece from The Huffington Post explains that checking the fingernails for abnormalities can help a person pick up on early warning signs of medical conditions.

Nails that are unusually pale, bordering on ghostly, may signal anemia, which is a blood disorder that involves low red blood cell count. Shilpi Agarwai, who is a board-certified family medicine doctor, explains, Anemia resulting from low levels of iron can lead to inadequate oxygen in the blood, which causes the skin and tissues to become pale, particularly the tissues under the nails.

Individuals who notice that their nails have gotten thicker or taken on a yellow tone should also make an appointment to see a doctor about the issue. These kinds of nail issues do not just look unpleasant, they can actually indicate a more serious problem. Nails that are thick and yellow-ish in color usually happen when a fungal infection has taken place in the nail bed. Simply applying topical medications often fails to help the problem, since the infection is taking place deep underneath the nail plate. In order to fully cure the problem, a doctor can prescribe an oral medication, which penetrates right down to where the infection is taking place.

Dana R. Hando comments on this advice stating, Many people think that nails are just for buffing and polishing, when in reality they are an important part of the human body. When nails begin to take on an unusual appearance, it is a wise idea to seek help from a medical professional. For those who love polish, it is also important to take a break from colors every few weeks in order to give the fingernails and toenails a thorough exam. Many individuals miss key warning signs because their nails are constantly coated in dark polish.

Delicate fingernails are not resistant to melanoma and other types of skin cancer. A person who thoroughly checks their body for problematic moles may feel surprised to find out that melanoma can actually develop under the nails. Dark brown or black lines that appear on the nail bed are a key indicator of this kind of issue. Regularly examining nails for these kinds of markings is important when it comes to monitoring the skin for signs of trouble.

While broken nails are painful, they can also help a person to realize that a more serious condition is at work. Nails that are brittle and break easily may indicate that there is trouble in the thyroid. This kind of disorder requires treatment from a medical professional. A simple blood test can help a doctor to figure out where a thyroid disorder is at work.

Dana R. Hando comments on the importance of monitoring the nails by saying, Its not just about how your nails look when theyre polished, nails help to tell a story about the human body and should not get overlooked.


Dana R. Hando is a resident of Houston, Texas, who is a recent college graduate. She completed her degree in psychology and hopes to one day serve as a counselor for young women. Dana frequently helps her mother in her nail salon. She is a trained nail technician and makeup artist, and regularly handles manicures and pedicures for her clients. She knows how to perform gel manicures, and advises clients on how to properly care for their nails and hands.

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